RedState Weekly Briefing: Florida Men Show How It's Done, Joe Biden Shows How It's Not

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or a beer — we're rolling into summer, after all), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication! 


#1 - WATCH: 'Queers for Palestine' Block Entrance to Disney World, Then Florida Men Show Up — by Bonchie

My favorite part of that video is when the Hamas supporters hear police sirens and immediately try to run to their cars. Unlike liberal bastions in the Northeast or West Coast, Florida doesn't play around when it comes to illegal demonstrations blocking traffic. Their instinct to run shows just how effective it is when a state enforces its law. 

Unfortunately for most of the "protesters" (and fortunately for the rest of us), they weren't able to escape the scene. One officer immediately got traffic moving again, and when backup arrived, the handcuffs came out.

#2 - BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel — by Bonchie

There's no other way to read this except that the Biden administration has been protecting Hamas. If intelligence exists that can help "pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders," it should have been given to Israel the moment it was produced. The same goes for any information about the terror tunnels. 

Why was that information held back from Israel? Was the White House trying to appease Iran by ensuring Hamas' survival? Or was Biden concerned about the domestic backlash from the far left if he had a hand in eliminating Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar? 

To only offer this intelligence after Israel called Biden's bluff on Rafah smacks of political gamesmanship, with the president's political fortunes being put over the lives of the hostages, including the several Americans still being held captive.


#3 - WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Ends Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden in Under a Minute — by Bonchie

Kennedy always has a turn of phrase ready to go, and his slam on Bragg is right now. I don't care what someone personally thinks about Trump. That's completely irrelevant to the discussion of how absurd this New York criminal case is. 

Bragg is charging Trump with what are essentially paperwork violations. Those wouldn't be prosecutable, though, if they didn't occur in the process of committing another felony. What is that felony? We have no idea and neither does the jury. At this point, it's not even clear the judge is going to make the prosecution define it. What we do know is that the Department of Justice, far from a friend of the former president, looked at all this and deemed there was no case.

#4 - Blockbuster Appearance From His Former Attorney Blows Hole Through Michael Cohen's Testimony — by Susie Moore

There are several possibilities to contemplate here:

  1. Costello could be lying — assuming he's willing to lie under oath to Congress (which hasn't worked out so well for others, particularly those with favorable things to say in regard to Trump). 
  2. He could be telling the truth but Cohen could have been lying to him in 2018 — which is what Cohen now asserts. (Of course, this requires weighing the many faces of Michael Cohen and his evolving narratives against one another...and his well-known penchant for perjury.)
  3. He could be telling the truth and Cohen could be lying now. 

No matter how you slice it, the jury, in their deliberations, will have to decide which Michael Cohen to believe. Good luck with that.


#5 - Biden Makes Truly Strange, Snippy Comment Coming Out of Church in Delaware for Mother's Day — by Nick Arama

The Biden staff has been working hard lately to prevent the media from being able to get questions in to Biden to avoid him making the strange comments he sometimes mumbles in such encounters and to prevent them from taking video of his stilted gait. 

But somehow on Sunday, the media caught him coming out of church with just his granddaughter and the Secret Service in sight. Someone on the staff messed up there. So the media was able to get a question in about Mother's Day. Not exactly a hard-hitting question. But it still appeared to rub Biden the wrong way and tick him off a bit.  


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